
Happy Manif


SATURDAY 16th JUNE · 11 am and 4 pm  · Fom 8 years · 1 h
Reservation recommended

With the Musical union of Vatan (UMV) and the Indre young orchestra 

Become an actor of a merry parade, propelled in a choreographic stroll, a life-size role play and discover new instructions to walk up and down the streets of Vatan! A generous play and very unique time, Happy Manif will be interested more particularly in the possible meetings in the street.

Conception : David Rolland · Music and sound edition : Roland Ravard · Production : association ipso facto danse · Coproduction : La Paperie, Centre national des arts de la rue · Partnerships : DRAC des Pays de la Loire, Conseil régional des Pays de la Loire, Conseil départemental de Loire-Atlantique, ville de Nantes, Théâtre de Laval, Communauté de Communes d’Erdre et Gesvres, ville de Notre-Dame de Monts.




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